Societies listed here have an asterisk (*) to indicate those devoted to Lepidoptera. Those with home pages are in blue; just click on their names to go there. Dates noted by each society refer to the year of their founding.

North America

American Entomological Society (1859)
c/o Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Ben Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tel: (215) 299-1189
*Association for Tropical Lepidoptera (ATL) (1989)
P. O. Box 141210, Gainesville, FL 32614-1210
email:  Peter Eliazar
*Association Entomologique de Amateurs du Quebec
a/s Insectarium ed Montreal
4581 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, PQ, Canada H1X 2B2
Tel: (514) 291-4312 / e-mail: (Sylvain Cote)
*Butterfly Society of Virginia (1993)
1125 Witchley Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23451-3758
Tel: (804) 423-1682
Cambridge Entomological Club (1874)
c/o MCZ, Harvard Univ., 26 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 495-2464
Center for Systematic Entomology (CSE) (1985)
c/o Florida State Collection of Arthropods, DPI, P. O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614-7100
Tel: (352) 372-3505 / FAX: (352) 955-2301
Entomological Society of America (ESA) (1906)
9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115
Tel: (301) 731-4535 / FAX: (301) 731-4538
Entomological Society of Canada (1863)
393 Winston Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1Y8, Canada
Tel: (613) 725-2619 FAX: (613) 725-9349
Entomological Society of Georgia (1965)
Georgia Experiment Station, Griffin, GA 30223-1797
Entomological Society of Kansas (1928)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045
Tel: (913) 864-3065
Entomological Society of Washington (1884)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, MRC-168, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560
Tel: (202) 382-1780 / e-mail: (Dr. T. Henry)
Florida Entomological Society (1916)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Tel: (352) 392-1901 / FAX: (941) 326-9315
Georgia Lepidoptera
Hawaiian Entomological Society (1905)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (941) 326-9315
*High Country Lepidopterists (1990)
3354 Valley Oak Dr., Loveland, CO 80538-8921
Tel: (303) 493-8401
*Idalia Society of Mid-American Lepidopterists (1989)
219 West 68th St., Kansas City, MO 64113
Tel: (816) 523-2948
*Lepidoptera Research Foundation (1962)
9620 Heather Rd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
*Lepidopterists' Society (1947)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, LACM, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007
Tel: (213) 744-3364
Maine Entomological Society (1997)
c/o Robert E. Nelson, Department of Geology, Colby College, 5804 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901-8858
Maryland Entomological Society (1971)
c/o Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21228-5398
Tel: (410) 455-2481
Michigan Entomological Society (1954)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1115
Tel: (517) 355-4665 / FAX: (517) 353-4354
New York Entomological Society (1892)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, AMNH, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024
Tel: (212) 873-1300
*North American Butterfly Association (NABA) (1993)
4 Delaware Rd., Morristown, NJ 07960
Tel: (973) 285-0907
*Ohio Lepidopterists (1979)
675-B Sprague Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177
Tel: (513) 382-6056
Pacific Coast Entomological Society (1901)
c/o Dept. of Entomology, CAS, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599
Tel: (415) 221-5100
Paraguay Lepidoptera
Société Entomologique du Québec (1873)
c/o Complex Scientifique, 2770 rue Einstein, Ste. Foy, Quebec City 12, G1P 3W8, Canada
*Society of Kentucky Lepidopterists (1974)
President:  Dr. Jeffrey Marcus, Dept. of Biology, Western Kentucky University
Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute (SASI) (1986)
P. O. Box 5624, Tucson, AZ 85703
Tel: (602) 883-3945 / FAX: (602) 883-2578 / e-mail:
*Southern Lepidopterists Society (1978)
  •            URL:
  • Southwestern Entomological Society (1976)
    17360 Colt Rd., Dallas, TX 75252-6599
    *Utah Lepidopterists' Society (1985)
    10364 South 360 East, Sandy, UT 84070
    Tel: (801) 572-4127
    Xerces Society (1971)
    10 SW Ash St., Portland, OR 84070
    Tel: (503) 222-2788

    Central and South America

    Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia (1937)
    C. P. 9063, 01065-970 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
    Sociedad Chilena de Entomologia (1922)
    Casilla 21132, Santiago 21, Chile
    Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia (1975)
    A. A. 43622, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
    Sociedad Entomologia Argentina (1925)
    c/o Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
    Sociedad Entomologia del Peru (1956)
    Aptdo, 4796, Lima, Peru
    Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil (1972)
    c/o EMBRAPA, C. P. 1061, 86001-970 Londrina, Parana, Brazil
    Sociedad Mexicana de Entomologia (1960)
    c/o Inst. de Ecologia, A. P. 63, Xalapa, Veracruz 91000, Mexico
    Sociedad Venezolana de Entomologia (1942)
    c/o Inst. de Zoologia Agricola, Facultad de Agronomia, Aptdo. 4579, Maracay, Edo. Aragua 2101A, Venezuela


    *Alexanor (1959)
    c/o Lab. d'Entomologie, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France
    Tel: (33-1) 4079-3391 / FAX: (33-1) 4079-3699
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen (1949)
    Ludo-Hartmann-Platz 7, A-1160 Wien, Austria
    Association des Amis du Laboratorie d'Entomologie du Museum (AALEM) (1978)
    45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France
    Tel: (33-1) 4079-3391 / FAX: (33-1) 4079-3699
    Association des Lépidoptéristes de France (ALF)
    British Entomological & Natural History Society (1919)
    Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis St., Hurst, Reading, Berkshire RG10 0TH, England
    Tel: (44-1734) 321-402
    Czech Entomological Society (1903)
    c/o Inst. of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Branisovska 31, CZ-37005, Czech Republic
    *Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Schmetterlingswanderungen (DZFS) (1951)
    Humboldstr. 13a, D-95168 Marktleuthen, Germany
    Tel: (49-9285) 480 / FAX: (49-9285) 8283
    Entomofaunistische Gesellschaft (1957)
    Launerstr. 5, D-01219 Dresden, Germany
    Entomological Society of Copenhagen (1932)
    c/o Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
    Tel: (45-1) 313-5411
    *Entomologischen Verein Apollo (1897)
    Am Mannstein 13, D-65779 Kelkheim, Germany
    *Linneana Belgica (1958)
    45 Leuvensestraat, B-1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium
    Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (1910)
    Münchhausenstr. 21, D-81247 Munich, Germany
    Tel: (49-89) 810-7100 / FAX: (49-89) 810-7300
    Polskie Towarzystowo Entomologiczne (1930
    ul. Sienkiewicza 21, PL-50335, Poland
    Royal Entomological Society of London (1835)
    41 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HR, England, UK
    Tel: (44-71) 584-8361
    Russian Entomological Society (1931)
    c/o Zoological Inst., Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya naber 1, ROS-199164 St. Petersburg, Russia
    Scandinavian Society of Entomology (1970)
    c/o Apollo Books, Kirkeby Sand 19, DK-5771 Stenstrup, Denmark
    *Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterologia (SHILAP) (1976)
    Aptdo. Correos 331, E-28080 Madrid, Spain
    *Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) (1976)
    c/o Zool. Inst., Univ. of Bern, Baltzerstr. 3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
    e-mail: (W. DePrins)
    Société Entomologique de France (1832)
    45, rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France
    Tel: (33-1) 4079-3391 / FAX: (33-1) 4079-3699
    Société Entomologica de Italiana (1869)
    c/o Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Via Brigata Liguria 9, I-16121 Genova, Italy
    Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie (1855)
    rue Vautier 29, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
    Thüringer Entomologenverbandes (1993)
    Schlossgasse 8, D-99448 Kranichfeld, Germany
    Tel/FAX: (49-364) 50-2310
    Ukrainian Entomological Society (1993)
    c/o Schmalhausen Inst. of Zoology, UA-252601 Kiev MSP, Ukraine
    *De Vlinderstichting (1985)
    Postbus 506, NL-6700 AM Wageningen, Netherlands
    Tel: (31-317) 467-346 / FAX: (31-317) 420-296 / e-mail:


    Entomological Society of Egypt (1907)
    14 Ramses St., P. O. Box 430, Cairo, Egypt
    Entomological Society of Southern Africa (1939)
    P. O. Box 103, Pretoria, South Africa


    Entomological Society of India (1938)
    c/o Div. of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Inst., New Delhi 110012, India
    Entomological Society of Israel (1966)
    P. O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50200, Israel
    Entomological Society of Japan (1926)
    c/o Dept. of Zoology, National Science Museum, Hyakunin-cho 3-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan
    Entomological Society of the Republic of China
    27, Lane 113, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10765, Taiwan, ROC
    *Japan Heterocerists' Society (1965)
    c/o Dept. of Zoology, National Science Museum, Hyakunin-cho 3-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan
    Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology (1995)
    c/o Entomological Lab., College of Agriculture, Ehime Univ., 5-7 Tarumi 3-chome, Matsuyama 790, Japan
    Tel: (81-899) 46-9898 / FAX: (81-899) 77-4364
    *Lepidopterogical Society of Japan (1946)
    c/o Ogata Hospital, 2-17 Imabashi 3, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541, Japan


    Australian Entomological Society (1962)
    c/o CSIRO, Dept. of Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia
    Entomological Society of New South Wales (1863)
    c/o Entomology Dept., Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
    Entomological Society of New Zealand (1951)
    c/o DSIR, Mt. Albert Research Center, Private Bag 92-169, Auckland, New Zealand
    Entomological Society of Queensland (1973)
    c/o Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Quensland, Brisbane, QD 4072, Australia

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