DECEMBER  2008      Volume 18, Number 2

Deborah L. Matthews & Bernard Landry:  Description of a new species of Exelastis (LEPIDOPTERA:  PTEROPHORIDAE) from the Neotropics, with keys to adults of the four species occurring in Florida

Jaret C. Daniels, Ernesto Rodriquez & J. Court Whelan:  The biology and immature stages of Panacea procilla lysimache  (LEPIDOPTERA:  NYMPHALIDAE, BIBLIDINAE)

André Victor Lucci Freitas and Keith S. Brown Jr. : Immature stages of Vila emilia (LEPIDOPTERA:  NYMPHALIDAE, BIBLIDINAE)

Ezequiel O. Núñez Bustos: Diversidad de mariposas diurnas en la reserve privada Yacutinga, provincia de Misiones, Argentina (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIOIDEA  y  PAPILIONOIDEA)

Delano S. Lewis & Charles V. Covell Jr. : A review  of the neotropical genus Cyllopoda (LEPIDOPTERA:  GEOMETRIDAE:  STERRHINAE:  CYLLOPODINI)

George T. Austin: Riodinidae of Rondônia, Brazil:  Calephelis, with descriptions of new species

Mohsen M. Ramadan, George P. Markin & Marshall W. Johnson:  Field biology of Pyrausta perelegans  (LEPIDOPTERA:  CRAMBIDAE): a flower bud-feeder on Passiflora mollissima, an invasive vine in Hawaiian forests

Book reviews:  The Butterflies of Venezuela. Part 2:  Nymphalidae II (Acraeinae, Libytheinae, Nymphalinae, Ithomiinae, Morphinae).  A comprehensive guide to the identification of adult Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, and Pieridae. 

                                    Andrew F. E. Neild. (2008);  reviewed by Andrew D. Warren

                            Catalogue of the Hostplants of the Neotropical Butterflies/ Catálago de las Plantas Huésped de las Mariposas Neotropicales.

                                    G. W. Beccaloni, A. L. Viloria, S. K Hall, and G. S. Robinson.  (2008);  reviewed by Keith R. Willmott

Front Cover:  Calephelis laverna (Riodinidae) © Keith Willmott, 2008;  Rear Cover:  Tirynthoides virilis (Riley, 1929) (Hesperidae) © Andrei Sourakov, 2008

Publication Date:  December 1, 2008    ISSN:  1941-7659

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