Volume 7, Number 1
Józef Razowski, The Institute of Systematics and Evolutions of Animals, of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Kraków, Poland
David B. Ritland and Lincoln P. Brower, Mimicry-related Variation in Wing Color of Viceroy Butterflies (Limenitis archippus):
a Test of the Model-Switching Hypothesis (LEPIDOPTERA: NYMPHALIDAE)
Thomas C. Emmel, Book reviews: Butterflies of Islamabad and the Murree Hills by Syed Azhar Hasan
Biodiversity of Pakistan ed. by Shahzad A. Mufti, Charles A. Woods, and Syed Azhar Hasan
John V. Calhoun, Jeffrey R. Slotten, and Mark H. Salvato, The Rise and Fall of Tropical Blues in Florida: Cyclargus ammon and Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri
Ann B. Swengel and Scott R. Swengel, Observations on Lycaeides in the Northern Midwest, USA (LEPIDOPTERA: LYCAENIDAE)
J.B. Heppner, Book review: Systematics
of North American Butterflies by Thomas C. Emmel (editor)
Front Cover: Chlosyne palla (Boisduval) (Nymphalidae), California, USA (©2002 L. Simon)
Back Cover: Papilio glaucus Linnaeus (Papilionidae), Kentucky, USA (©2002 W. Reinthal)
Publication date: 20 December 2002