MAY 1992
1992 Annual Photo Contest Winners
T. B. Larsen
T. B. Larsen
J. B. Heppner
M. C. Minno
J. B. Heppner
F. W. Skillman and J. B. Heppner
T. C. Emmel, J. C. Daniels, J. P. Brock, E. Garraway,
G. R. Ballmer and G. F. Pratt
M. C. Minno and T. C. Emmel
Book Review (by T. C. Emmel)
M. C. Minno and T. C. Emmel
T. S. Dickel
J. B. Heppner
Front Cover: Aporia agathon moltrechti (Pieridae), Taiwan (© 1992 C. C. Lin)
Publication date: 11 Jun 1992
Migration of Catopsilia florella in Botswana
(Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Photo Essay: Mimicry in Action
Sulawesi (Minahasa) Lepidoptera and Project Wallace, 1985
New Hostplant Record for Aellopos tantalus
from the Florida Keys (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
Melanic Marumba Hawkmoth from Taiwan
(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
New and Additional Records of Costa Rican Butterflies
Gynandromorph Speyeria diana from Georgia
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
A. Bailey, and T. Turner
Tmolus azia, a New Resident Hairstreak
becoming more Widespread in Jamaica
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Loranthomitoura, a New Genus of Eumaeini
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae)
Larval Protective Coloration in Swallowtails from
the Florida Keys (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
Swallowtail Butterflies: an Action Plan for
their Conservation, by T. R. New and N. M.Collins
Caudal False Face Patterns on the Larvae of
Florida Swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
The Butterflies of Kenya and their Natural History
by T. B. Larsen
New Records of Microlepidoptera from Florida
(Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae, Yponomeutidae)
Biology and Immature Stages of the Bromeliad Pod
Borer, Epimorius testaceellus, in Florida
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Galleriinae)
Back Cover: Apsarasa radians (Noctuidae), Vietnam (© 1992 K. Spitzer)
Inside front: Cerura sp. (Notodontidae), Taiwan (© 1992 C. C. Lin)
Inside back: Euchromia polymena formosana (Arctiidae: Syntominae), Taiwan (© 1992 C. C. Lin)