Photo Contest - 1998
S. K. Hall and M. Lightowler
J. B. Heppner and H.-Y. Wang
G. T. Austin and K. Johnson
Book Review (by T. C. Emmel)
S. Naumann
C. R. Beutelspacher-B. and M. Balcázar-L.
U. Eitschberger and G. Brehm
G. Onore and V. Cevallos
M. A. Beéche and L. E. Parra
B. Landry and J.-F. Landry
Front Cover: Prepona philipponi rothschildi (Nymphalidae), Venezuela (© 1998 V. Suter)
Publication date: 24 Aug 1998
Notes on the Captive rearing of Pharmacophagus
antenor from Madagascar
(Lepidoptera: Papilionidae: Troidini)
Coryptilum Moths in Southeast Asia
(Lepidoptera: Tineidae)
Theclinae of Rondonia, Brazil: Olynthus,
with Descriptions of New Species
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
The Life Histories of Asian Butterflies. Vol. 1,
by S. Igarashi and H. Fukuda
Description of the Female of Saturnia
cameronensis from West Malaysia
(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Book Review (by T. C. Emmel)
Living Butterflies of Southern Africa. Volume 1,
by G. A. Henning, S. F. Henning, J. G. Joannou, and
S. E. Woodhall
Saturniidae of "Los Altos de Chiapas," México
(Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
Bildliche Darstellung der Präimaginalstadien von
Actias selene aus Nord-Indien
(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Massive Movement of Panoquina sylvicola
in Southern Ecuador (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
New Ithutomus Species from Chile
(Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)
Yponomeutidae of the Galápagos Islands,
with Description of a New Species of Prays
(Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)
A. D. Warren
A New Species of Amblyscirtes from Montane
Western Mexico (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae)
Back Cover: Hamadryas feronia (Nymphalidae), Venezuela (© 1998 V. Suter)
Inside front: Automeris harrisorum (Saturniidae), Bolivia (© 1998 C. Conlan)
Inside back: Copaxa flavina miranda (Saturniidae), Bolivia (© 1998 C. Conlan)